According to NHS figures 2018, 29% of adults were classed as obese. Furthermore, obesity was linked to 711,000 hospital admissions 2017/18.
The problem with dieting is that it can feel like a constant battle and all too easy to fail at and then you have to start all over again. Diets need constant concentration and many find them impossible to keep to, constantly fighting their eating habits, weighing foods, counting points.. adding up ‘sins’. So why don’t diets work? The answer is simple. You can change the food you eat and increase the amount of exercise you do, but how long will you stick with if you don’t change the most important thing. YOUR MINDSET
Can you identify with the following?
- Eating because you're bored.
- Eating because you're lonely.
- Eating because you're stressed.
- Eating because you're emotional.
- Binge eating to make you feel better.
- Lack motivation to exercise.
- Don’t feel confident enough to go to the gym.
- Don’t understand counting calories.
- Don’t have the time for long workouts.
The Weight Loss Program has been specifically created to resolve each and everyone of those excuses. Its only when you change your beliefs, habits and behaviours with food that you will achieve constant and permanent results.
By following the 5 session audio you will:
- Resolve emotional eating.
- Reduce portion sizes.
- Begin to eat more healthy and nutritious food.
- Gain the confidence and motivation to exercise more often.
- Feel your stomach tighten by 20%.
- Maintain your new weight loss goals.
Let me help you to permanently change your relationship with food. No more dieting... just YOU choosing for yourself healthy, nutritional foods in just the right quantity for your body’s needs. If its sound too easy then believe me when I say that when we change those old ‘habits’ then it really is easy. This powerful Weight Loss Program changes your way of ‘thinking’ about food... no more struggling with your own ‘inner demons’. Think how amazing you will feel.
NO MORE ‘binging’.
NO MORE overeating.
NO MORE lacking confidence living in your body.
Instructions for use: Listen to audio 1 once a day or as often as possible for 1 week to 10 days. Then move onto audio 2 and repeat until you have listened to all audios in the program. You can go back to any particular audio you like after listening to the whole program or restart the audio program from the beginning and repeat the process. Do not listen to these audios whilst driving or operating machinery.
Weight Loss (1) Duration 56:05 / Space 67:3mb
Weight Loss (2) Duration 44:48 / Space 53:8mb
Weight Loss (3) Duration 57:48 / Space 69:4mb
Weight Loss (4) Duration 44:41 / Space 53:6mb
Weight Loss (5) Duration 46:56 / Space 56:3
Please note: the download will be a large ZIP file containing all of these tracks.