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Collection: Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss in Birmingham and Walsall

At some point in our lives we have all been guilty of overeating. For some of us however eating becomes a crutch to lean on during the emotional times in our lives.

Emotional eating is the practice of consuming large quantities of food – usually “comfort” or junk foods in response to feelings instead of hunger. Many experts estimate that a figure as high as 75% of over eating is caused by emotions. Many of us learn that food can bring some form of comfort, even if it is in the short term at least, to current emotional issues we are struggling to deal with. As a result, we often turn to food to heal emotional problems. Eating becomes a habit, preventing us from learning skills that can effectively resolve our emotional distress. Clients successfully use hypnotherapy to lose weight from my Birmingham office.

Emotions such as anxiety, depression ,work related matters, boredom, loneliness, anger, frustration, stress, issues with personal relationships and poor self-esteem can result in overeating and unwanted weight gain. I will help you to Identifying your triggers that cause you to eat because of these emotions. Maybe you can identify the following that cause you to over eat? Situations and emotions that trigger us to eat fall into five main categories.

  • Social: Eating when around other people. For example, excessive eating can result from being encouraged by others to eat, eating to fit in, arguing or feelings of inadequacy around other people.
  • Emotional: Eating in response to boredom, stress, tiredness, tension,depression, anger, anxiety or loneliness as a way to “fill the void”.
  • Situational: Eating because an opportunity exists to. For example, at a restaurant seeing an advertisement for a certain food, walking past a fast food shop. Eating can also be associated with activities such as watching television, going to the cinema or a sporting event among others.
  • Thoughts: Eating because of negative self-worth or making repeated excuses for eating. For example, being unhappy with your looks for or a sheer lack of will power.
  • Physiological: Eating in response to physical issues. For example, increased hunger due to missing meals or eating to cure aches or other physical ailments.
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss in Birmingham Dawn has lost over 6 stone since working with me and is feeling healthier and more confident in every aspect of her life. You could achieve similar results. It all starts with a free telephone consultation. I have worked with men and women of all ages to help them understand their emotions and learn to resolve the causes that lead them to over eat. Together we can change the way you behave so that you can enjoy eating but don’t rely on it to make you feel better. After our sessions you will have learned to quickly identify the things that stress and upset you and deal with them in a totally new way. You will have skills for life.

Your Free Telephone Consultation

Why not take the first step in contacting me to arrange a free telephone consultation for hypnotherapy in Birmingham or Walsall. Together we can discuss the best way forward to help you live the life you truly deserve, without fear or apprehension. This free consultation can be life changing in itself because you will learn that it is possible to live a relaxed, confident and empowered life. Just email me via my contact form or call me today on 07749 571 490 to take the first step.

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