Are you a ‘half glass full’ personality? Maybe you think you were ‘born negative’ and only able to see the negative in day to day situations.
40:14 mins / 48:3MB
This audio will embed a focused mindset on a subconscious level, that will help you to identify and achieve whatever your personal goals are and the best way to achieve them. This audio will from day one begin to change those old thought patterns, helping you to naturally seek out the positives in any given situation. The key to being happy and fulfilled is developing a Positive Mental Attitude and this audio will start you on that journey.
These powerful ,yet easy to listen to recordings will help change any unwanted or unnecessary thoughts, habits or emotions.
Please note: You do not have to actively listen to the recordings as they are designed to be used as background music, the spoken word will be inaudible to your conscious mind which is intentional. Your subconscious mind will hear everything that is being said and will action all the changes that are needed , easily, and effectively.
Our mind is essentially made up of two parts:
The Conscious Mind
This controls our short term and analytical thinking
which accounts for approx 5% of all the actions etc that we take on a 24/7 basis
The Subconscious Mind
This controls our
- Emotions
- Beliefs
- Habits
- Behaviours
- Imagination
- Which accounts for the remaining 95%.
These recordings work on the subconscious mind which plays such a pivotal role in our everyday lives. However this part of our mind,the subconscious, cannot reason logically..so if we have told ourselves something is a threat e.g. a fear,phobia then our subconscious will hold onto that information and continue to "keep us safe" even if we are aware that this fear is not logical.
So what can we do?
These recordings which include powerful, and life-changing affirmations will help to modify, or change old beliefs etc that your subconscious mind has been holding onto that are no longer beneficial to your well-being. Listening to them regularly will mean that you will be able to think,feel and behave in the way that you have always wanted to do.
I recommend that you listen to the recording at least once a day for a minimum of 30 days to achieve the best result. After the 30 days then they can be used as/when required. The recordings can be played at anytime of the day, or night..whilst working, watching TV, driving or sleeping.
You do not have to actively listen to the recordings as they are designed to be used as background music, the spoken word will be inaudible to your conscious mind which is intentional. Your subconscious mind will hear everything that is being said and will action all the changes that are needed , easily, and effectively.
These recordings have been specifically created by me, to support you on your journey to achieving your perfect result.
Using these audios daily alongside making consistent , conscious decisions about breaking unwanted habits, ending negative thoughts and feelings or just deciding to feel more positive with the choices you make and actions that you take will give you the best possible results.
Some of these audios have been designed to work alongside my Hypnosis Audios
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